Dear friends,

YT Surgeons of AWRSC are organising this unique conference on behalf of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Surgeons' Community, in the true spirit of our movement which is to learn share and grow.

I am very happy to see this event unfolding at the hands of our young team which is dynamic, already soaked in the concepts and practice of AWR, and eager to lead.

Our senior leadership is fully involved and committed to support, participate and help them make this event a great experience of value to every surgeon who attends, be it young or old….

I invite all of you to come, participate and be a part of AWRSC in principle and spirit of the community.

With best wishes to the team of YT Surgeons.

Dr. Pramod Shinde

Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Surgeons Community

Conference Secretariat

Vama Events Pvt. Ltd., Kohinoor Square Phase I, B Wing,
Office No. 1004, 10th Floor, N. C. Kelkar Road, Shivaji Park, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028.

Tel: 022 35131930, 022 35131931, 022 35131932, 022 35131933, 022 46052832
